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Approved Minutes, July 8, 2009
Salem Bike Path Committee
Minutes of Meeting
Wednesday, July 8, 2009

A regular scheduled meeting of the Salem Bike Path Committee was held on Wednesday, July 8, 2009 at 7:00 PM in Meeting Room 314 at City Hall Annex, 120 Washington Street.

Members Present:  Jeff Bellin, Christine Michelini, Stan Franzeen, Dan Shuman, Jerry Judge, Nancy Sachetti, and David Pelletier.  Also present was Staff Planner Frank Taormina.

Members Absent:  Rachel Hunt and William Peck

Public in Attendance:  none
        Chairman Shuman called the meeting to order at 7:10 PM and acknowledged those members     
        present and absent for the record.

  • Approval of Minutes
S. Franzeen pointed out an error on Page 2 of the June 10, 2009 Minutes.  Motion as made by S. Franzeen to approve the minutes as amended, seconded by J. Judge and approved unanimously.

  • Public Comment
No public comments were taken, as no one from the public was in attendance.

  • Salem Citywide Bike Plan  
Chairman Shuman opened up the item, and asked the committee members if they had reviewed the revised citywide bike routes map that was sent to them prior to the meeting.  He asked the Committee to point out changes, additions, subtractions, etc, to any of the bike routes and mark them out on the large map that was laid out on the table.  After the meeting all the comments and revisions to the map would be forwarded to the engineering consultants to be incorporated into the DRAFT Citywide Circulation Plan and Map.

F. Taormina mentioned that the engineering consultant pointed out one issue that he asked the committee to look at.  He stated that the bike route heading to the Salem Willows via Restaurant Row is not a safe route.  He stated that the consultant feels that the speed bumps and road conditions are not conducive to bike riding.  Instead he recommends that the route to the Willows go via Memorial Drive near Dead Horse Beach out to Fort Ave to the Willows.  F. Taormina stated that the other recommendation that the engineering consultant suggested was that the speed bumps along the inner ten feet of the curb line be removed to better accommodate bikers.

D. Pelletier stated that he prefers to see the route stay and the speed bumps removed.  The committee members agreed.

D. Pelletier asked about the total cost to implement the Priority Route.  Chairman Shuman stated that it was approximately $66,000 for the bare minimum or without all the street and route enhancements recommended by the engineering consultant. F. Taormina and S. Franzeen showed D. Pelletier the breakdown of the engineers cost estimate.

D. Pelletier asked if there was a way to cut the cost, as it seems high.  He suggested that we use paint instead of thermal plastic pavement markings.  D. Pelletier stated that he feels that those types of pavement markings get destroyed by plows in the winter.  He feels that paint would be a better alternative that would last longer.  Discussion ensued regarding which method would last longer and the cost of maintaining each method.

Chairman Shuman suggested that instead of regular paint, perhaps they could use a marine based paint (two-part epoxy paint) which could stand up to the winters better.  Following that comment, the Chairman asked that the committee refocus and address those types of questions after they finish reviewing the revised map.

F. Taormina mentioned that Chairman Shuman contacted him after the last meeting and recommended that the plan recognize mountain biking and the map identify mountain biking trails in Salem. The Chairman suggested Salem Woods and the Forest River Conservation Area as potential mountain biking area.  Frank forwarded that suggestion to the engineering consultant and they added those areas to the map. Frank pointed out both areas on the map to the committee and mentioned that he already received conformation from the City Park and Recreation Department, Park and Recreation Commission, and the Friends of Salem Woods that mountain biking is authorized in Salem Woods and a trail map already exists.  He stated that the Forest River Conservation Area however does NOT permit mountain biking.  Frank stated that the Forest River Conservation Area is owned by the City of Salem Conservation Commission (Con Comm) and he formally requested that the Con Comm reconsider, and allow biking in the area.  He stated that the request in on tomorrow night’s (July 9, 2009) Con Comm Meeting Agenda.  Frank clarified that ONLY if the Con Comm permits biking in the area, the plan and map will identify the Forest River Conservation Area as a mountain biking route, if not than it will be omitted from the plan and map.     

D. Pelletier mentioned that he was aware that Leggs Hill Road is slated to be improved.  He asked if the Committee could request that the sidewalk be widened to accommodate an off-road bike path or if the roadway could incorporate a bike lane or bike sharrows and signage since it is shown on the draft plan as a potential bike route.  The Committee Members all thought that was a great idea and F. Taormina stated that he would forward the request to the City Engineer.     

Chairman Shuman stated that the map shows a bike route connection to Salem Woods but does not show one linking to the Forest River Conservation Area.  The Chairman recommended that one of the proposed bike routes link to the trail head at the Forest River Conservation Area, provided that mountain biking is permitted in the area.  The Committee agreed and began discussing possible links.

D. Pelletier suggested that the link come from the Salem Bike Path via the newly constructed bike path spur around the Salem State College Baseball Field, over the Lincoln Street Footbridge next to Pickman Park, down Lincoln Road, across Loring Avenue, and onto Harrison Road to the trail head.  The Committee agreed and the new route was marked out and added to the plan.    

D. Pelletier mentioned that the south bound side of the Bypass Road, where it intersects with Rte 1A next to the bridge coming from Beverly heading into Salem, should have a pull off for bikers that want to get out of traffic.  He stated that the north bound side on the direct opposite side of the road is fine, but the south bound side needs one.

Chaiman Shuman asked the committee if there were any further questions or comments regarding the bike routes map.  There being no further questions, the Chariman asked for a motion.  D. Pelletier made a motion to submit the map as revised to the engineering consultant for the purpose of creating a DRAFT Citywide Bike Circulation Plan and Map.  Seconded by N. Sachetti and approved unanimously.

D. Pelletier made another motion to ask the engineering consultant to rank the bike routes shown on the map in order of highest implementation priority.  Seconded by N. Sachetti and approved unanimously.

N. Sachetti made a follow-up motion that after the draft plan and map are reviewed by the Committee and the ranking of the bike routes are approved by the committee, the engineering consultants provide a cost estimate for implementation for the top 5 bike routes.  Seconded by J. Bellin and approved unanimously.    

Chairman Shuman asked the committee if they had any other general comments or suggestions regarding the preparation of the DRAFT plan.

D. Pelletier stated that he would like to see an emphasis on the Priority Bike Route as a family friendly route and an effort by the engineering consultants to shave the cost of the Priority Bike Route to a more attainable amount utilizing some of the suggestions made earlier I the meeting.

J. Bellin recommended that there be a bike share station at the Salem Ferry Pier or at the future Salem Wharf Facility, when it is designed or constructed.

J. Bellin also recommended that the new off-road bike link from Palmer Cove, through Palmer Cover Park, to Congress Street be signed or moved because it is a sharp turn that might be problematic for trail users.  The committee discussed the issue and ultimately agreed that they would prefer to recommend that the parking space in from of the entrance be removed and pavement striping and signage state that no parking is allowed.  In addition, a sign in both directions at the turn read “Watch for Bikes” to warn trail users.

There being not more comments or questions, Chairman Shuman opened the floor for Old/New Business.

4.  Old/New Business
D. Pelletier asked about paving around the bike gates located at the Bike Path.  The Committee agreed that that needs to be done.  F. Taormina stated that he has had that on his list of things to do.  He stated that he will get some quotes for material and see if the DPW can do this minimal paving work.

F. Taormina stated that he is currently drafting the Fiscal Year 2009 Bike Path Committee Annual Report.  Once it is complete, he will forward it to the Committee, likely via e-mail, for their review and approval at the next meeting.

F. Taormina reminded the Committee that there is no scheduled meeting in the month of August.  

C. Michelini asked what the meeting date was in September. F. Taormina answered that it is scheduled for September 9, 2009.

Chairman Shuman asked for a motion to close the public meeting.  S. Franzeen made a motion to adjourn, seconded by D. Pelletier and approved unanimously.  The meeting was officially adjourned at 8:28 PM.

Respectfully submitted by:

Frank Taormina,
Planner/Harbor Coordinator

BPC 7-8-2009